Thursday, March 26, 2015

Phoenix - Trip to Sedona

Today was so full of activity that I cannot remember all that we did.  We left the house early to head to a former Belleville gal's home.  She has been chauffeuring us around which we all appreciate. Then off to Sedona which was a 2 hour drive.  The scenery was outstanding.  Although I will post a few photos, my camera phone just doesn't do justice to the color of the mountains.  I also cannot believe the cacti that grow like trees on the mountainsides.

We arrived in Sedona around lunchtime.  We did a bit of shopping before we headed to Rene's Restaurant which serves French cuisine.  I had a mushroom struedel which was out of this world.  I then splurged and had a creme brulee for dessert.  It melted in one's mouth.  I did take a snap of the struedel.

After lunch, we took a trolley ride through parts of the town as well as through parts of the red rocks. It was about 90 minutes and did give one lots of background information about Sedona.  It was a good starting place to find out about this area of Arizona.  I would like to come here again and see this area in greater depth.

Then it was the two hour ride back to the house.  We had a light supper before dealing those cards. Didn't play bridge as long tonight as we were yawning frequently.

Tomorrow is going to be another busy day.  The first thing on the agenda are the botanical gardens.  I thought we were doing this today so you can see I am not a very good listener.  Several other activites have been planned.  We'll see how much we get done.

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