Saturday, March 28, 2015

Phoenix - Dessert Botanical Garden

Today we headed to the Desert Botanical Gardens this morning.  The plan for us come back to the house for awhile before we headed to the concert at Musical Museum.  Well, about 10 or 15 minutes into the tour through the desert foliage, the heat  had a terrible impact on me.  I was definitely over heating,  I immediately headed to a bench.  Once recovered a bit, I headed to the area where we entered the gardens.  Found a nice bench and just waited for the other girls to finish the tour.  They then called and came back to check on me.  I was doing okay sent them on to see the desert wildflower section.  I know it must have been wonderful as we are here when the flowers are really in bloom.  Oh well, didn't want to pass out.  I did take some photos before I started feeling lightheaded and also after we ate at the garden cafe.  I hope you enjoy them.

This blown glass art at the entrance of the gardens.  
It blended very well with the environment.

Can you believe those flowers?

The size of the catci is amazing.  Look at their height in the next two photos.

Headed back to the house midafternoon.  We had a quiet time which I really needed.  It was good to have a nice rest.  

In the evening we attended a Brad Colerick concert at the MIM Music Theatre.  I was so impressed. He reminded me of John Denver.  The online article referred to his music as Americana wheelhouse. On Saturday we are going to see the MIM, Musical Instrument Museum.

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