Sunday, March 22, 2015

Phoenix Bridge Marathon

Next week I am heading to Phoenix with 3 very good friends.

This was taken in March, 2009, in Abilene, Kansas.
We still look the same.

We have been playing bridge together since before my daughter was born.  She is 37 years old.  We lived in the same town until 8 years ago.  That is when we retired and moved to Lawrence to be near
children and grandchildren.  Fortunately, my friends were willing to still meet me twice a year to play bridge.  Am I any good?  Well, I certainly am the the low man on the totem pole of expertise.  (Thank goodness they put up with me.) Until this trip, we were meeting semi-annually at The Barn Bed and Breakfast near Valley Falls, Kansas.  By the way, a great place.

I am leaving James behind.  We rarely spend any length of time apart so both of us are worried about the other.  I know, we will both be okay.  He is trying to line up a few projects to do while I am gone. None of them involve housework.  Oh well. I just hope Boz, our dog, doesn't get him up for a night trip to his outdoor facilities while I am gone.

Not only are we going to play lots of bridge, we will be doing some sightseeing.  I will try to post daily but this is a different kind of trip.

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