Saturday, June 20, 2015

Frisco, Colorado, 2015--Here we come

Soon we will be heading to Frisco for our bi-annual Cole family vacation.  We are all very excited. The children and their families are so excited they are leaving a day early.  Probably not a bad idea as the night in Denver will allow them to adjust to the altitude.  We will be driving the distance all in one day.  We are going to miss our oldest grandson Dominic who is off doing an internship with BRB Contractors in Oklahoma.  I imagine he would love to be cooling off with us in Frisco as it is usually hot and humid in Oklahoma.  I think the humidity may be worse than the heat.

Dominic in school in Pittsburg

Here our the kids in 2013.  Watch for posts to see how much we have changed in 2 years.

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