Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Oklahoma Cox Family Reunion - 2016 Boating and family meal

As is usual with our family vacations, we have a number of things that we always do.  One is boating.  This year we rented a pontoon for an afternoon.  It was big enough so that all of us could join in the fun.  The sun was shining and it was hot.  Perfect day of fun.

Making sure nothing gets caught on the motor.

Enjoying the sun.

Water feels good!

Diving off the side of the boat

All the Ball relatives gather around five each day for happy hour.  Today we met in our room.  We are on the first floor and the room's patio happens to be in the shade at this time of day.  It is nice to be able to visit with everybody.  Even the kids are having a good time.  Not sure our bed will ever be the same.

 If you look carefully, there are 10 of the Ball great grandchildren on the bed.  

Visiting outside our room.

The Ball Sisters

The four Ball grandchildren.

Good time for visiting.

This is also the day that the entire Cox clan gathers for supper.  One of my cousins told me that there are over 100 of us in attendance.  It does seem like a smaller group than usual.  When and if I get a final number, I will post that.  Each branch of the family wears a different color of shirt although the design on the shirt is the same.  The final photo today is the Cole family.

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