Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Oklahoma Cox Family Reunion - 2016 - Tram, Float trip, and dinner at the cabin

Once again, slow start to our day.  Short walk through the woods and back to The Lodge for breakfast.  Afterward, a meeting was held for 2018 reunion when my sister and I will be in charge.  We do have some issues as the state of Oklahoma has decided that no arrangements can be made more than a year in advance.  Well, that makes things tough as we come every other year.  But we have gathered requests for room assignments for everybody. We are hoping that it isn't too difficult to do this over the phone in 2017.  Oklahoma changes its mind every year as to how these things can be done.  Oh well, on to our day.

There were arrangements for our group to have a tram ride through the park.  The main attraction is the stop at the nature center towards the end of the trip.  In the past, the tram would run once or twice every day.  Now they only run Thursday thru Sunday.  Budget cuts.  Here are some snapshots at the nature center.

Petting a goat

Trail head near the center

Grandchildren on the tram

On the tram.  Lodge in the background.

Outside the cabana.  

Our children and grandchildren did a short float trip down the Illinois river this afternoon.  James and I didn't go with them.  I think they really enjoyed it and next reunion we will definitely work this into our activities.  They had to take a very short float trip to return in time for the hot dog and braut supper at my niece and families' cabin.

The next two photos are from the float trip down the Illinois River.

Obvious where the food is.


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