Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Key West, Day 4, Still lots of tourists

We foolishly thought there might be less tourists in town today.  And this morning as we walked Duval, there were less.  I think the weekend visitors to include the 6,000 bicyclists are gone.  But there are two giant cruise ship sitting at the dock.  I think that every passenger must have disembarked to wander around Key West.  As we slowly walked down Duval from the gulf side of the island to the Atlantic side of the island, the crowds thinned out.

This morning we stopped once again at Banana Cafe for breakfast.  It is just a nice little spot.  Unfortunately, the tables on the porch were full.  But once again we were able to be seated immediately.  After a large fruit salad which we shared, James once again had bacon, eggs, and toast.  I had a bagel with salmon and capers.  As you will see from the photo, there was enough for 3 of me.  Couldn't even eat all of it.  I felt bad about that.

After breakfast, we then just started walking.  Not sure where we were going to go.  Decided to walk into Bahama Village for a bit.  I learned on our trolley tour the reason this is called Bahama Village is because there was no lumber on the Key West island, so the Bahamians took apart their homes and moved them when the came to Florida.  We didn't stay long. 

Thought you shoud see a rooster.  We saw this one on our way into Bahama Village.

 This mural was on a building in the Bahama Village.

Then a quick swing thru part of the Truman Annex (there are some lovely homes in this area) towards Fort Fort Zachary Taylor Park but soon headed back to Whitehead and down towards the aquarium which we toured.  
Baby shark at the acquarium.

Then headed over to the Mel Fisher Marine Heritage Museum.  Very interesting and reminded me of the Steamboat Arabia Museum in the KC City Market.  I believe the Arabia exhibit was much better.  Definitely different kinds of treasures were found with each ship wreck.  

We were fortunate that we discovered it had been raining while we were in this museum.  This is the only rain we had today.  Key West was predicted to have 60 percent chance of rain today.  That is the only time it rained all day although it had rained during the night.  Our balcony was wet when we sat out for our morning expresso.  There's an expresso machine in our room.  One of the features that we really like about this place. 

After those two items, we found a place for lunch.  James picked the place.  Fogarty's.  I was excited as I could get peel and eat shrimp with cocktail sauce.  To my surprise, James ordered the same thing so we just got one order of a 1/2 pound of shrimp.  It was the perfect amount for lunch.

Don't think I can eat shrimp too many times while I am in Key West.

We then headed down Duval towards the gulf and our hotel.  I had been seeing some shirts made in Nepal at many of the stores.  I love them because they are so colorful.  Broke down and bought myself one.  I needed a souvenir.  We also stopped at Kermit's Key Lime shop for a couple of pieces of pie.  Brought those back and put them in the refrigerator for our bedtime snack.  Then we headed back to the butterfly conservatory.  I am so glad we went in here.  Not terribly expensive and the butterflies, birds, and plants were just awesome.  

 We learned that flamingoes have been around 500 million years.  These two were brought in from the Everglades.  They were injured and are no longer able to fly.  They were gorgeous.

Back for happy hour at the hotel and then off to supper at Salute.  Second time we have eaten here but it is close and the food is great.  It is right on the beach.  As we ate, we were entertained with a parasailer on the water and a sand volleyball match going next to the restaurant.  A perfect place to eat in Key West.  Once again another great day.

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