Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Key West, 5th and final day

We had saved some very fun things to do today.  But as usual we started slowly then meandered down to Duval to reach the Croissants de France restaurant.  We both had what they called a fruit bowl with a butter croissant and fresh squeezed orange juice.  That croissant was delicious and we enjoyed the fruit as well.  There was so much fruit left-over that we actually carried that back to the room refrigerator.  I think I will try to get us to eat this before we go to breakfast in the hotel in the morning.  Although I have been eating very well, not always very healthy.  My digestive track was suggesting I needed to do something about that.  All is good once again.

We had thought before we ever left Lawrence that we should ride a bicycle around the island.  Well, we didn't get that quite done as that took us through the really busy old town area which has very few sidewalks that are good for a very inexperienced bicycle rider.  After all, it has been decades since I rode one.  But we did ride for 2 to 3 hours and enjoyed everything we saw.  There is a wide sidewalk for pedestrians and bicyclists.  I only crashed once.  I know, how embarrassing.  Two very nice bicyclists behind us stopped to check on me.  They told me I was blown over and it was not my poor riding skills.   That is probably what happened as it was extremely windy.  Might have thought we were in Kansas.  The bicycle sidewalk took us through the area of Key West where the locals live.  We saw Sears, McDonalds, Wendy's, Dunkin' Donuts, and a Nissan car dealer.  We also rode by an area where there were houseboats.  Like a little community in the water.  We also rode through the cemetery which is above ground with lots of history.


Key West Cemetery

 After returning our bikes, we are quite the attractive couple.

Finally, it was time to get on the swimsuit I invested in and put my feet in the water.  I convinced James to come with me.  He did not get off his lounge but we both thought it felt pretty good to being laying in the warm sunshine.  Couldn't stay too long as we didn't want to get burned.  I love watching all the activities in the water,  Not only the humans on jet skis, sailboats, and catamarans, but all the bird life as they jump around on the shore as well as the rocks.  The pelicans look majestic as they fly past looking for a bite in the ocean.  

That's our hotel in the background.

Sand bottle being created.

Sand mermaid needing some repair work.

All in all, we have had a great time.  Unfortunately, we need to get on a plane in the morning and return to the great state of Kansas.  I have watched the forecast and I do believe we are going to be welcomed with cold weather.  But sunshine forecast for most days.  I will post some final thoughts after we have been home for a day or two.

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