Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Fall, Colorado, 2013

We decided it was time to hit the road again.  We are heading west to Colorado to visit my sister and her husband.  They live in Fort Collins, Colorado.  We have not been to see them since the fall of 2009.  They have been here several times since then.  Even though we have not been to their home, they have joined us in Frisco a couple of times.  It will be good to visit to their home again.

We are stopping in Goodland, Kansas, overnight on the way out.  Plan to do a little Kansas sightseeing on our way.  People say there's not much to see in Kansas.  Will let you know if our couple of stops were worthwhile.  Unfortunately, we usually get in the car and drive straight thru to our destination in Colorado.  The road is flat, long, and straight until we get through Denver.  It is easy to miss interesting sites along the way.

I actually have a couple of great references for sightseeing in Kansas.  One is The Kansas Guidebook by Marci Penner.  I received this as a retirement gift and we have used it several times.  Actually, it was great source for places in and around Lawrence.  My copy is 2005 so am sure some of the things listed are no longer there.

Another source for this trip was a Journeys magazine which is an AAA publication.  I used the July/August 2013 issue.  It covered roadside wonders along I-70.  We will be getting off of the interstate a couple of times tomorrow.

Enjoy our trip!

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