Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Phoenix - Travel Day

James took me to the airport to meet the other gals.  Naturally, I was the first one there but I was glad to get checked in and find our gate.  They weren't very far behind.  I have no reason to complain as James and I left our home around 9, ran Boz to the groomer, and were on the road by 9:30.  They had to be on the road by 7 am.  My trip was under an hour.  There trip was closer to 4 hours.

Flight was good.  Departed right on time.  There was a bit of turbulence for about 30 minutes but the rest of the flight was very smooth.  Must admit it was good to be on the ground again.

What a foursome.  This was taken just after we got off the plane.

We had to wait for the shuttle to arrive to take us to the home where we are staying.  Things just look so different here.  You can tell that we are in the desert.

Take note of the yard and all the rocks in the front of the house.

There is a touch of green which actually has to be mowed occassionally.

We decided where each of us was going to sleep then off to get some lunch.  We ate at Paradise Cafe which is a chain that has just been purchased by Panera Bread.  Very similar and was very good. Time to get some groceries for the next few days before heading back to the house.  

Now it is time to get down to why we are here.

It is good to have the travel behind us and be able to get caught up on everybody's news.

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