Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Phoenix - First Full Day

This was an extremely busy day.  After we finally started moving we took about an hour walk through the neighborhood.  When one first arrives in the dessert, everything just looks so brown. When you start to look more closely, you begin to see color peeking out.  The landscape is just different than anywhere I have been.  Below are photos that I took on our walk.

The color of this bark is truly unique.

 They tell me that I am going to see cacti that are even bigger.  

 How about the size of that lemon.  It was grown on a tree in a neighbor's yard.

 At lunch today we ate at an Italian restaurant for lunch.  The food was delicious.  How about the that TV show. 

After lunch,we headed out to Butterfly Wonderland.  Very similar to the butterfly garden we saw in Key West.  In addition to all the amazing butterflies, they had some honeybee hives as well as salt water aquariums and a few desert insects, i.e. scorpions and centipedes.

After arriving back at the house,  we had some wine and appetizers.  Then back to the business of playing bridge. 

Tomorrow we are heading out early to see the desert botanical gardens.  

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