Friday, August 29, 2014

Mackinac Island, August 2014 - Day 4

Wednesday, August 27, was a busy day.  We had a rough night due to outside noises.   We never sleep with our windows open so were a bit surprised when it was soooo noisy.  Certainly no automobile traffic as there are no automobiles on the island.  The horse taxi made much more noise than expected as they came down the street.  Plus they were coming down the street through the wee hours.  Also, as people came home in the wee hours they didn’t seem to be too quiet.  We are now wise and will close windows tonight.  We also have a window air conditioner which we can just set to pull air in from the outside.  It is quite cool and no AC is needed.

Harbour View Inn

 Horse Taxi

We ate breakfast in the hotel.  It was a very good continental breakfast.  Sweet breads, fresh fruit, yogurt, juice, and coffee.  As much as we needed to fill full.  After breakfast we decided to walk a trail to see the Arch Rock. 

 Arch Rock in Background

Everything went smoothly until our return.  Tried to go in a complete circle but we seemed to get lost.  Spent much more time on that walk than planned.  Enjoyed the walk but were ready to be done.  Very glad to finally return to the city and find Fort Mackinac.  We bought our tickets and then decided to eat at the Fort’s Tea Room.  Very good place for lunch.  Portions weren’t too big and the view was outstanding.  After finishing, we toured the Fort and really understand the importance of this island during the Revolutionary War as well we the War of 1812.  We stopped at the Island Art Museum as we walked back to the Inn. 

Fort Mackinac from Main Street
Look closely to see the yellow umbrellas at the Tea Room

View from our table at the Fort Tea Room

Took a bit of a break to rest the ol’ feet then walked up to the east bluff to see some of the summer homes that had been built years ago. 

Summer Home on East Bluff of Mackinac Island

We ate supper at the Village Inn before doing a bit of shopping after eating.  We returned to the Inn for the rest of evening.  We were tired.

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