Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Discovery of King Tut at Union Station, Kansas City

My sister and husband often come to see us towards the end of May.  They have twin grandchildren with May birthdays who live in Dallas.  They travel thru Lawrence on their return to Fort Collins.  We are always glad to see them.  We usually see one or two attractions in the area.  This year the Discovery of King Tut was at Union Station.

According to the web site http://www.kingtut.org, "The Discovery of King Tut presents the actual excavation itself, its story and its invaluable legacy. Using painstakingly, scientifically produced reconstructions, the exhibition allows the public to enjoy the magnificent splendor of these priceless Egyptian treasures without ever harming the fragile, sensitive originals – which can only now be exhibited separately and are no longer permitted to tour outside of Egypt."

If I had not read this in advance, I would have had no idea I was not viewing the actual artifacts. It was an amazing exhibit.  When you enter the exhibit, they provide you a recorder which you use to listen to the explanation of each display.  Each display has a number which refers to the appropriate track.  Very nicely done.  There were earphones available for those who prefer to use both ears.  I imagine you could bring your own earphones.

Below is the replica of King Tut's mummy.  It was reproduced using a 3D printer.  I had never actually seen anything that had been reproduced with a printer.  That just fascinates me.  If you enlarge this you will be able to read about that from the bottom of the photo.

For those of you who enjoy this historical era, it is certainly worth visiting.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

World War 1 Memorial and Museum in KC

Saturday, May 17, there was no car show that James was interested in attending.  Feeling like we needed to go somewhere headed to Kansas CIty and the World War 1 Memorial and Museum.   This year is the 100th anniversary of the start of the Great War.  Not knowing very much about this war, I found this to be a quite informative museum.  It was a good day to travel.  On our way home we decided to eat a very late lunch in The Legends shopping center.