The four remaining members of the Cole family at Sequoyah Lodge headed home after eating one last heart attack breakfast before driving north to Kansas. I was delighted that we had Dominic to drop off in Pittsburg. I always like to see where he lives. I thought this house was much nicer than the previous one. There are 4 fellows who live here and there are 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. Dominic's is actually an add-on to the house. Not even attached so to get to the kitchen he has to go outside. It's only about 2 steps but could be cold in winter. His room is like a small studio minus kitchen. He has a separate bathroom, a sleeping area, a study area, and an area to relax and watch TV and play video games. Very nice. This house is also very close to the campus. A much better location than the last house. This is good as his trusty jeep (older than he is) is not quite as trusty as it used to be.
After unloading his things, we ate lunch at Jo's Gyros which I thought was really tasty. Tried to get into Pittsburg's number one eating establishment, The Mall Deli. There was a line out the door. Maybe next time and I certainly was not disappointed with Jo's. Food was good, prepared quickly, and reasonably priced.
Then it was on to Lawrence. Dropped Seth at home. We unloaded our vehicle and then off to get our dog, Boz. He is always so glad to see us. His antics are almost embarrassing but it does make one feel good.
The Oklahoma trip was good as usual. Both Seth and Hannah mentioned that this was the best one yet. I think their kids are just the right age for this environment. I also believe that the short float trip was the real highlight. In 2018 that will be arranged so they can float for a longer period of time. Who knows, I might even float along.